Thursday, September 22, 2005

Hi All; I just heard from Cathy and they need more help right away. She had a list of 50 houses to go through and she and her partner were able to break into 4 houses(very hard work!). Two houses were empty and in the other houses they found a cat in each. Both alive, very dehydrated and emaciated, but she feels that they will live. She is now heading back for the day. So....they need more people to help bash through windows and doors to get in and search the houses. MAC is organizing a van or bus to go down asap. Please contact MAC if you want to go by bus....Will report more when I hear from her again. But she is finding live animals, but they need a ton of help!!Thanks, Stacy

Boston's resource for information about helping feral cats and Trap-Neuter-Return

Boston's resource for information about helping feral cats and Trap-Neuter-Return