Thursday, September 22, 2005

Hi All; Passing on a message from Cathy Ahern. She went down to New Orleans yesterday to help with the rescue of cats as a result of the Alley Cat Allies appeal for help. She called me this morning. Here is her information... The rescue effort is very well run by HSUS. It is like a huge Topsfield Fair, there are tents for sleeping, showers and plenty of food. The three main jobs that they need volunteers to help with:
1. Search and Rescue-there are still houses that they haven't gotten to. She is going in today. She was certified last night.
2. Feeders to go into the city to drop food for all of the animals.
3. Animal care for the hundreds of dogs and some cats that they have at the Lamar Expo Center(HSUS is located).There are plans to evacuate the rescue center in the event that Rita comes their way. It is very urgent that people go down now to help. There is a Delta flight that leaves at 2pm today from Boston. You can fly into Baton Rouge or New Orleans and rent a car from Alamo. They seem to be the only place that has cars. Cathy will pick you up at the airport. Call Cathy on her cell phone at 978-360-6228 asap if you can come down. I will email more as I hear from her.Thanks, Stacy

Boston's resource for information about helping feral cats and Trap-Neuter-Return

Boston's resource for information about helping feral cats and Trap-Neuter-Return